Upcoming Diocesan events

Bro. Knights,
FYI,the attached from Bro. Krump outlines two very worthwhile events that deserve our full support. Please read the details and sign up if you can or contact Bro. Krump if you want more info.
God Bless
Bro Michael

———- Forwarded message ———-

Hi Michael,

I’m hoping you can help me to get the word out to our Knights of Columbus about
the upcoming Man Alive! conference that the Archdiocese is hosting. It is
supported by the Knights of Columbus and I think it will be a very good day.
Here is a link to an invitation from Archbishop Miller for men to attend the
conference, along with information about ticket pricing.


If you would kindly forward the link to our counsel’s members along with a note
to say that anyone who is interested can contact me for tickets, I would really
appreciate it! It is only 4 weeks away now, and it would be great to have a
good number of our men there. I only have 25 tickets available. I can be
reached at 604-520-1117.

Here is another link to a short interview with Archbishop Miller explaining a
little more of what it all about.

If you would also include in you email the following information regarding the
40 days For Life prayer vigil that started this week. Msgr. has chosen Monday,
October 29th as the day our parish will participate in a 24 hour vigil. We need
parishioners to sign up either on their own, or in small groups of 2 or more,
for each hour of that day and night. If several small groups of Knights would
commit to taking part, this would greatly help our parish to support this very
worthy cause. Monsignor has a sign up list that he will be posting at the back
of the parish, so if the Knights can keep an eye open for that, then they can
choose the times that are best to sign up for. We hope to have other
individuals and groups within the parish take part also. Prayer support is also

Here is the link to more info for members to check out:


Thanks, Michael and may God bless you for all you do for the Knights in our Parish!

Patrick Krump


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